Equity diversity and inclusion (EDI) Conference

On Thursday 9 and Friday 10 November, the Willem de Kooning Academy organised the EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Conference. The EDI Conference focused on the critical themes of ‘decolonisation of the curriculum’ and ‘accessibility of education’. The first edition was a success. We would like to thank everyone who participated in the conference, including our visitors, workshop facilitators and keynote speakers. 

On this page you will find photos of both days, various documentation such as a timeline and written overview of ten years of EDI at WdKA including links* and more background information. In addition, you can also find the keynote presentation of day two ‘Holding Space for All Our Stories’ by Aminata Cairo. 


*Disclaimer: Certain links are exclusively accessible to students and staff of Willem de Kooning Academy. For further information on a specific topic, kindly contact Evita de Roode at Education Station (wdka.educationstation@hr.nl), who will be able to direct you to the appropriate individuals